How to fold fitted bed sheets

 If you know how to fold bed sheets neatly then you have beat the first step in your quest for a neatly organized linen closet. This step-by-step guide will show you the best way to fold a fitted bed sheet and save space and create a lovely linen closet.

How to Fold Fitted Bed Sheets

Follow These Steps

1. Drape the Fitted Sheet over Your Hands With the top two corners inside out and the elastic edge in front of you; keep the fitted sheet with one hand in each of the top corners.

2. Fold the Fitted Sheet in Half and put it in the Corners Fold the fitted sheet partially vertically, flipping the right corner over the left to make a pocket. Turn the bed sheet 180 degrees and make a second pocket up top.

Fitted Bed Sheets

3. Fold the Fitted Sheet in Half Again Adapt your grip so there are two corners over your left hand and the other two over your right, with the folded hem at the bottom and the tucked and gathered border facing you. Fold up the sheet in half once more so that all four fitted corners meet, and flip the right set of corners over the left set.

4. Lay the Folded Sheet on the Bed With the gathered boundaries facing up, fold the longer part of the curved border toward the center a few inches to create a straight edge. The sheet should now be a rectangle. Fold up in half lengthwise, and then fold into thirds. Associated: Finally, the fight of Folding a Fitted Sheet Is Over Tip: To prevent wrinkles, fold your fitted sheets right out of the dryer while they’re still warm. You can also prevent wrinkles with a little gadget that holds the fitted sheets tight. If you need help figuring out where to put your now-pristine folded fitted sheet, this is exactly how you should organize your linen closet.


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